Tag: Emergency Preparedness

Posted on 03/09/2025
Flash Flood Preparedness Tips
Like many natural disasters, a flash flood can take you by surprise. Though weather services can often predict a flood, it's crucial to be prepared so that you protect yourselves and your property without panic. Here are some ways you can prepare for the possibility of a flood: Get Flood Insurance Flood damage is not included in most...
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Posted on 05/14/2023
Hurricane Safety For Your Pets
Preparing for a hurricane requires knowing how to keep everyone in your home safe--including your pets. Having an emergency plan for your pets as well as the people in your household will help you stay calm and safe if a hurricane happens in your area. Here are some tips for keeping your pets safe during a hurricane: Set...
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Posted on 09/11/2022
5 Tips for Sheltering Without Power
A power outage can happen anywhere. Even if you don't live in an area prone to extreme weather or natural disasters, it's crucial to know what to do if you lose power for an extended period. Here are some of the best ways to prepare for sheltering at home without power: Get an Emergency Weather Radio Emergency weather...
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Posted on 08/14/2022
Natural disasters: Creating an effective emergency plan for your home
Emergencies happen, especially when there’s a natural disaster involved. While stress can run high in times of a natural disaster, or any emergency, there are ways for you and your household to become better prepared and reduce your stress levels all at the same time. One simple way to lessen the stress is to create an emergency plan...
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Posted on 07/10/2022
The 3 Key Parts of Your Home to Hurricane-Proof
Hurricanes can cause damage to your property in a variety of ways. Luckily, there are also many ways you can protect your home from the catastrophic effects of strong winds, rain and everything else a hurricane can bring. Here are three areas to focus on when hurricane-proofing your home: Windows Windows are an important feature to focus on...
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Posted on 01/23/2022
Home checklist for fire safety and prevention
House fires can do tremendous damage to your home and also put your household's lives at risk. It's crucial to practice fire safety and prevention, so you and your house members are prepared in case a fire does happen. Taking steps to prevent fires from occurring helps reduce the risk of having to deal with these fires. The...
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