How to Avoid Injuries on Moving Day

by Holli Miner 07/16/2018

How to Avoid Injuries on Moving Day

Moving day can be stressful, particularly for those who need to transport many large, heavy items to a new house. Fortunately, we're here to help you simplify the moving process and enjoy an injury-free moving day.

Now, let's take a look at three safety tips to help you avoid moving day injuries.

1. Plan Ahead for Moving Day

You know that you need to vacate your current residence, and if you plan ahead as much as possible, you can minimize moving day risks.

Ultimately, it can be tough to try to move all of your belongings on your own. But if you ask family members and friends for support, you can get plenty of assistance as you get ready to transport your belongings to your new house.

You also should pick up the right moving day supplies. Items like furniture sliders, lifting straps and hand trucks often help speed up the moving process. Plus, these items are easy to find and ensure individuals can avoid putting too much pressure on the body when they move big items.

2. Use the Proper Lifting Techniques

When it comes to moving day, it pays to learn the proper lifting techniques.

For example, to lift moving boxes, you should always lift with the legs – not the back. Bend the knees and keep the back straight, and you should have no trouble safely lifting moving boxes and other items.

In addition, use common sense on moving day – you'll be glad you did. Although you may be tempted to try to move large items as quickly as possible, it is important to know your physical limitations. And if you don't feel comfortable moving a couch, big-screen TV or other heavy objects, you can always reach out to a friend or family member for extra help.

3. Clear All Walkways

It is important to keep all walkways clear on moving day. That way, you can avoid the risk of tripping and falling while you're moving items in and out of your house.

Furthermore, it is always better to err on the side of caution on moving day. If kids or pets are present, you should try to keep them in a safe area until all items are removed from your house.

Moving items can be tricky, particularly for those who need to vacate their current residences soon. If you need additional assistance on moving day, you should contact a moving company.

A moving company hires courteous, professionally trained staff who can help you take the guesswork out of relocating from one address to another. In fact, this business will pick up and relocate heavy items to your new address to eliminate the risk of moving day injuries.

Lastly, if you need help finding a moving company, you should collaborate with a real estate agent. This housing market professional can help you buy or sell a house, along with put you in touch with the best moving companies in your area.

Use the aforementioned tips, and you can limit the risk of injuries on moving day.

About the Author

Holli Miner

Hi! So glad you're here! If you're looking for an enthusiastic realtor or an equally energetic home stager, you have found both; one stop shopping, who doesn't love that?! Learn more about me in my "About" biography, and feel free to call, text, or email anytime with any questions. If you're looking to buy OR sell, I would be thrilled to be considered for the job of being the realtor who will get you where you want to be!